About Us

SPINE INSTITUTE AND CARE SHARE COMPANY is dedicated to creating care systems that enhance and support the bodies capacity to heal itself. We carry this philosophy into our work and we strive to be a member of our community that brings healing through our various services, voluntary initiatives and exemplary business ethics and practices.

One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability in their lifetime, and neuromusculoskeletal conditions are the second highest contributor to global disability. Of these, 80% of people with disabilities live in developing countries. Neuromusculoskeletal health problems account for the greatest proportion of lost productivity in the workplace. These issues are addressed in more affluent nations, countries like Ethiopia, are also facing significant challenges.

The First Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Wellness Clinic (FCRWC) was established by Dr. Selam Aklilu in 2001 and has been providing quality chiropractic, physiotherapy and wellness services for outpatients ever since. Dr. Selam Aklilu is a Chiropractic doctor who has been in private practice since 1988 and spent 13 years practicing in California, USA, before moving back to Ethiopia to establish her own clinic.

Dr. Selam Aklilu, CEO

Over the past 20 plus years, number of clinics have been providing quality chiropractic, physiotherapy & wellness services for outpatients, growing to 4 in number , having serviced over 200000 patients in various part of the country. The rising demand for physiotherapy and wellness services in Ethiopia and neighbouring countries coupled with a lack of supportive health care service providers in the same field has made our chain of clinics the only significant player in the local market. As a pioneer in offering chiropractic services in Ethiopia, the clinics are well known throughout the country and are very popular among patients and medical professionals in Addis Ababa.

The company was in incorporated as a share company in 2020 as SPINE INSTITUTE AND CARE S.C with the majority of the shareholder still being Dr. Selam Aklilu.


Be agents of healing for our bodies and communities


the innate capacity of the body to heal itself is our model and inspiration to engage with our patients, staff, stakeholders and communities in a gentle but irrepressible desire for healing and excellence


Become the leading experts and providers of wholistic wellness services and products in East Africa


Becoming agents of healing through a heart centred, intelligent and generous care

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